Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Love, By Matt de la Peña

Grab your box of tissues! Love by Matt de la Peña's is a sweet, heartfelt story about the different ways we experience love from childhood through adulthood. The message of this story can be used to reassure students that even in difficult times, like loosing a loved one or watching something sad on the television, love is still an emotion that can be felt. Matt de la Peña's lyrical, and soothing word choice will bring comfort to all readers:

"Love, too, is the smell of crashing waves,
and a train whistling blindly in the distance,
and each night the sky above your trailer turns the color of love.."

Besides the way this book is beautifully written, the illustrations by Loren Long also feature a diverse group of families of different races and economic backgrounds.

How Can I Use this Book in My Classroom?

The simple, yet intricate message of love will teach students the power of empathy and compassion. This book could lead to a rich conversation about love and the strength love can create through difficult times. Younger students might be able to write their own sentences showing what love looks like or sounds like to them. Older students could analyze how this book could relate to a time in their own life or a current event. An effective lesson about figurative language or the central message could also be used in many classrooms. No matter how old, everyone should take the time to read this sweet, sweet story.

1 comment:

Sunny Holiday

When I think about books I want many of my female students to read, Sunny Holiday comes to mind. This series, by Coleen Murtagh Paratore, ...